Monday, February 25, 2013


Oh man.
Remember that time when that really embarrassing thing happened?
And you wanted to crawl under a rock a die? When you were sure that your life was ruined? Remember that?

Because now we're going to write about it!

Let's air out those embarrassing moments and get them off our chests. It'll feel better that way.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Clowns, public speaking and things that go bump in the night: all things the general populace is afraid of.

Your task this week is to post about fear.

What are you afraid of? How does fear influence your decisions? How you approach this is up to you, just make sure fear is the central theme.

Check out an example here or here or here.

To get credit for this assignment, click here.

Monday, February 11, 2013


This week your topic is courage.

As always, what you write is up to you.

To get credit for this assignment, click here.

Friday, February 1, 2013


It's time to put some TLC into our blogs. You should have at least two posts: your Intro and your Poem that Matters.

Starting next week, you will be assigned to write two blog posts per week. One about a topic given on the blog, and one about whatever you want to write about. I will post the topic on Monday, and you will have until Sunday night to turn in your posts.

Today, I want you to spend some time exploring. Check out your classmate's blogs. Leave some comments.
I encourage you to leave constructive comments on all the blogs you read, but to help motivate you, you will be required to turn in the link to 5 comments you have left.